Together with our newly founded media art forge and the artists Andrey Vrady and Juliana Vrady, we regularly sprinkle the facades of city centres with the emotions of its inhabitants.
In ‘Mood of the city‘ we visualise the feelings of our fellow human beings via facial recognition software. You can find out how beautiful anger and joy can look during a rendezvous with your visualised emotions…
Ronit Wolf (Veranstalterin)
Münchner Science & Fiction Festival – art and science e.V.
Gotzingerstr. 48
81371 Munich
+49 0151 22701775
Ronit (at) ronitwolf.com
Münchner Science & Fiction Festival – art and science e.V.
Stadtsparkasse München
IBAN: DE26 7015 0000 1005 5975 37